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DO NOT EAT ELDERBERRIES RAW. Avoid picking and using red elderberries. Children have been poisoned when they used the hollow stems of red elderberries as whistles. Uncooked berries may cause nausea.

Blue elderberries may be dried and stored for later use in pies, puddings, sauces, etc. The simplest method of drying them is to tie a few cluster stems together with medium-weight string and suspend them over spread newspaper in a moisture-free area for 7-8 days. Remove the dried berries from the stems and store them in tightly covered containers. An alternative method is to remove the elderberries from the stems and spread them on a cookie sheet. Dry in an oven set at its lowest temperature for 24 hours.

From Darcy Williamson, Donnelly, Idaho, "How to Prepare Common Wild Foods"

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